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What is the change in GST rate and when is the effective date?

From 1 January 2024, the GST rate will be revised from 8% to 9%. For more information on GST, you may refer to IRAS website here.  

How will the GST rate change affect my electricity bill and other charges?

With effect from 1 January 2024, the revised GST rate of 9% will apply to all chargeable items which include, but are not limited to:

  • Monthly Recurring Electricity Charges
  • One-time Charges
  • AMI Meter Installation (if applicable)
How will the change in GST affect my December 2023 and January 2024 electricity bills?

The 8% GST rate will be reflected in your electricity invoices dated before 31 December 2023.

Your electricity invoices dated on or after 1 Jan 2024 will reflect the new 9% GST rate.


If you are a homeowner with a standard Cumulative MeterSingapore Power (SP) Group conducts a meter reading and records your household's electricity usages every 2 months.


On months when the meter is not read, you will be billed an estimate usage. The actual electricity usage of the previous month will be reflected in your invoice generated 2 months later as an "Adjustment".


Scenarios for Billed and Adjusted Electricity Usage in 2023 vs 2024


Hence, your first invoice dated on/after 1 Jan 2024 may contain both a 8% GST charge for the adjusted electricity usage and an 9% GST charge for the electricity usage billed on/after 1 January 2024.


Below is an example for your reference.

The fixed price plan that I have signed up for is inclusive of GST. Is there a change in my energy rate and how do I view the base rate of my price plan?

You may view the energy rate of your price plan on your bill. The energy base rate of our price plan remains unchanged during the contractual period, and only the GST rate will increase from 8% to 9% after 1 Jan 2024 as reflected on your bill.

What if I terminate my account in January 2024?

The GST rate will be charged according to your electricity invoice date. If you terminate your account in January 2024, the 9% GST will be applicable to your electricity invoice dated after 1 January 2024.

If I have outstanding balance that remains unpaid by 1 January 2024, will that be subject to 9% GST?

Goods and services invoiced on or after 1 January 2024 will be subjected to 9% GST. Please be assured the update of the new GST rate in invoice issued on and after 1 Jan 2024 is in compliant with IRAS' GST Rate Change Guide for Businesses.

How do I read my bill?

Our bills are designed to be easy to read and to help you understand your electricity usage.

1) Bill Summary
Important bill information and summary of your contract, account, and amount payable.

2) Summary of Charges
Breakdown of transaction, monthly charges, voucher redemption or credits if applicable, and outstanding charges.

3) Consumption Graph
Monthly breakdown of your electricity consumption for the past 6 months.

4) Details of current charges
More details on your electricity charges, non-electricity charges if applicable, and discount if available.

5) Payment Option
Payment options for you to make payment for the bill.

6) Contact Information
Contact details and information should you need help for any electricity related emergencies.

When will I receive my first bill?

You will receive your first bill after 21 days from your billing cycle end date. You may refer to your SP Group bill for details on your billing cycle.

How do I view my bill?

To view your bill, please login to your account here.

What is a paper bill fee and where does it appear on my bill?

To encourage customers to use e-billing and contribute to climate-friendly action, there will be a charge of $1.64 (inclusive of GST) per monthly paper bill. The paper bill fee comprises of the cost of printing and postage.

The paper bill fee will appear under "Other Charges" on the second page of your monthly bill.

How do I opt for e-billing and how does it work?

To opt for e-billing, simply contact us. Our Customer Solution Specialists will assist to switch your account from paper bill to e-billing or vice versa. Changes will be effective on the next billing cycle.

When you opt for e-billing, your bill will be sent to your email monthly. An SMS notification will also be sent to your mobile phone when your bill is ready for viewing. Alternatively, you can access your bill via our online portal or mobile app.

Benefits of e-billing include:

  • Easy access to your bills and account information anytime, anywhere online or via our mobile app.
  • Receive prompt notification via SMS and email when your bill is ready.
  • Avoid the risk of mail being lost in transit
  • Leave a "green" thumbprint on the environment.
Can I use U-Save GST vouchers to offset my electricity bills from Senoko Energy?

U-Save GST vouchers have to be used to offset any charges from SP Services first. This means that your gas and water bills will be offset first, and any remaining credits can be used to offset the electricity bill from Senoko Energy.

When your U-Save rebates have successfully been used to offset your electricity charges, it will be reflected under "Summary of Charges" on your bill.

How are my estimated charges computed?

The estimated usage will be calculated by multiplying the average daily usage between the last two actual reads period, by the number of days in the current billing period. Any over or underestimation of bill will be adjusted in subsequent bills when the meter reading is taken.

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